BsimEiHHta How we manage risk (continued) Declaration Risk factors Ahold at a glance Business review Governance Our key control requirements are documented in Ahold Control Memoranda (ACMs). Compliance with the ACMs is mandatory for all of Ahold's fully-owned entities. The ACMs cover controls relating to financial reporting and various other business processes. They include the requirement for management to assess the operating effectiveness of all ACM key controls. Our Global Code of Conduct (the "Code") focuses on Ahold's core value "doing what's right" and establishes Group-wide principles and rules with regard to associate conduct. It is intended to help each associate understand and follow relevant compliance and integrity rules and know when and where to ask for advice or report a breach of the Code. The principles of the Code apply to all associates of Ahold and its operating companies. Associates of defined grade levels have been trained and acknowledge compliance with the Code on an annual basis. The full Code is available in the corporate governance section of Ahold's public website at Monitoring and assurance We use a comprehensive business planning and performance review process to monitor the Company's performance. This process covers the adoption of strategy, budgeting and the reporting of current and projected results. We assess business performance according to both financial and non-financial targets. In order to meet business needs and the requirements of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, we have a Group-wide management certification process in place, which requires that the executive management team members at each of our reporting entities send letters of representation to the Chief Legal Officer on a quarterly basis. These letters confirm whether the reporting entities are in compliance with Ahold's global Code of Conduct, policies on fraud prevention and detection, accounting and internal control standards, and disclosure requirements. Compliance with Ahold's responsible retailing standards is confirmed through bi-annual letters of representation. Both our Internal Control and Internal Audit functions help to ensure that we maintain and improve the integrity and effectiveness of our system of risk management and internal control. Internal Audit undertakes regular risk-based, objective and critical audits. These functions also monitor the effectiveness of corrective actions undertaken by management, including significant audit findings. Governance, Risk management and Assurance Committee An ExCo sub-committee, the Governance, Risk management and Assurance (GRA) Committee, oversees the Company's governance, risk management and assurance processes. The GRA Committee is chaired by the Chief Legal Officer and (i) advises the Executive Committee on matters concerning the GRA Framework, including an overall GRA vision and strategy, (ii) oversees activities to develop and maintain a ft-for-purpose GRA Framework and (iii) engages with Ahold's senior management on important developments in the context of GRA. During 2015, the GRA Committee met four times. In addition to Ahold's Chief Legal Officer (Chairman), the Chief Financial Officer sits on the GRA Committee, along with the heads of Finance of our main businesses and other members of management responsible for our governance, risk management, compliance and assurance functions. Annual declaration on risk management and control systems regarding financial reporting risks Ahold supports the Dutch Corporate Governance Code and makes the following declaration in accordance with best practice provision II.1.5: The Management Board is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal risk management and control systems. Such systems are designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve important business objectives, and can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. With respect to financial reporting, management has assessed whether the risk management and control systems provide reasonable assurance that the 2015 financial statements do not contain any material misstatements. This assessment was based on the criteria set out in COSO: Internal Control - Integrated Framework 2013. It included tests of the design and operating effectiveness of entity level controls, transactional controls at significant locations, and relevant general computer controls. Any control weaknesses not fully remediated at year-end were evaluated. Based on this assessment, management determined that the Company's financial reporting systems are adequately designed and operated effectively in 2015 and provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Ahold Annual Report 2015 The principal risk factors that may impede the achievement of Ahold's objectives with respect to strategy, operations, financial and compliance matters are described in the following section. The enterprise risk management system, the governance and control standards incorporated within our GRA Framework, and the monitoring systems described above are the principal means by which we identify and manage these risks. Management is not aware of any important failings in these systems as of year-end 2015. The following overview of risks relating to Ahold should be read carefully when evaluating the Company's business, its prospects and the forward-looking statements contained in this Annual Report. Any of the following risks could have a material adverse effect on Ahold's financial position, results of operations and liquidity or could cause actual results to differ materially from the results contemplated in the forward-looking statements contained in this Annual Report. Our principal risks remain substantially unchanged from 2014. A risk related to the intended merger with Delhaize has been added. No significant incidents, which impacted the business and its results substantially, have occurred during 2015. The risks described below are not the only risks the Company faces. There may be additional risks that we are currently unaware of or risks that management believes are immaterial or otherwise common to most companies, but which may in the future have a material adverse effect on Ahold's financial position, results of operations, liquidity and the actual outcome of matters referred to in the forward-looking statements contained in this Annual Report. For additional information regarding forward-looking statements, see the Cautionary notice.

Jaarverslagen | 2015 | | pagina 125