BsimEiHHta Corporate governance 47 Governance structure Management Board and Executive Committee Governance structure Ahold at a glance I Business review I Governance I Financials I Investors At Ahold, we are committed to a corporate governance structure that best supports our business and meets the needs of our stakeholders and that complies w'th relevant rules and regulations. This section contains an overview of our corporate governance structure and includes information required under the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. Koninklijke Ahold N.V. (the Company or Ahold) is a public company under Dutch law with a two-tier board structure. Our Management Board has ultimate responsibility for the overall management of Ahold. We also have an Executive Committee comprised of our Management Board as well as certain key officers of the Company. The Executive Committee is led by the Chief Executive Officer and is accountable to the Management Board. The Management Board is supervised and advised by a Supervisory Board. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board are accountable to Ahold's shareholders. Our Company is structured to effectively execute our strategy and to balance local, continental and global decision-making. It is comprised of Ahold Corporate Center and three platforms: Ahold USA, Ahold Netherlands and Ahold Czech Republic, each of which contains a number of businesses. The diagram below shows Ahold's governance structure. A list of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates is included in Note 37to the consolidated financial statements. The Executive Committee manages our general affairs and ensures that we can effectively implement our strategy and achieve our objectives. The Management Board is responsible for the actions and decisions of the Executive Committee, and the overall management of Ahold. For a more detailed description of the responsibilities of the Management Board and the Executive Committee, please refer to the rules of procedure in the corporate governance section of Ahold's public website at Ahold The Netherlands1 Ahold USA Management Board Ahold Czech Republic Corporate Center General Meeting of Shareholders Superv'sory Board Audit Committee Selection and Appointment Committee Remuneration Committee Executive Committee 1 Includes Belgium and Germany. Ahold Annual Report 2015 Composition of the Management Board and Executive Committee According to our Articles of Association, the Management Board must consist of at least three members. The current members are: Dick Boer, President and Chief Executive Officer; Jeff Carr, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; and James McCann, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Ahold USA. The current members of the Executive Committee are the members of the Management Board plus Hanneke Faber, Chief Commercial Officer; Abbe Luersman, Chief Human Resources Officer; Jan Ernst de Groot, Chief Legal Officer; and Wouter Kolk, Chief Operating Officer Ahold Netherlands and Chief Executive Officer Albert Heijn. On April 15, 2015, the annual General Meeting of Shareholders reappointed Dick Boer for a third term. At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on March 14, 2016, Jeff Carr and James McCann will be nominated for reappointment, The size and composition of our Management Board and Executive Committee and the combined experience and expertise of their members should reflect the best ft for the Company's prof le and strategy. This aim for the best ft, in combination with the availability of qualified candidates, has resulted in Ahold, as of March 2, 2016, having a Management Board in which all three members are male and an Executive Committee in which two members are female and five members are male. In order to increase the gender diversity of the Management Board we pay close attention to gender diversity in the process of recruiting and appointing new Management Board members. We also encourage the professional development of female associates, which in the past year has also led to the promotion of several women to key leadership positions across the Group. Composition of the proposed Ahold Delhaize Management Board and Executive Committee At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on March 14, 2016, Frans Muller, Pierre Bouchut and Kevin Holt will be nominated for appointment to the Management Board subject to and with effect from the date of Ahold's proposed merger with Delhaize. As a result, the proposed Ahold Delhaize Management Board will consist of Dick Boer, President and Chief Executive Officer; Frans Muller, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Integration Officer; Jeff Carr, Chief Financial Officer; Pierre Bouchut, Chief Operating Officer Europe; James McCann, Chief Operating Officer USA; and Kevin Holt, Chief Operating Officer USA. The future Executive Committee will be comprised of the proposed members of the Management Board plus Marc Croonen, Chief Sustainability, Transformation Communications Officer; Hanneke Faber, Chief E-Commerce Innovation Officer; Jan Ernst de Groot, Chief Legal Officer; and Abbe Luersman, Chief Human Resources Officer. Possible reappointment schedule Management Board Name Date of birth Date of first appointment Date of possible reappointment Dick Boer August 31, 1957 May 3, 2007 2019 Jeff Carr September 17, 1961 April 17, 2012 2016 James McCann October 4, 1969 April 17, 2012 2016

Jaarverslagen | 2015 | | pagina 114