5 000 X A PARTNERING WITH LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS WHO SHARE OUR VALUES LEAD LOCALLY AB Volunteer Day DRIVE PROFITABLE GROWTH TODAY AND BEYOND The Associate Engagement Survey more than AB associates participated in the 2014 AB Volunteer Day BEING A SUPERGOOD EMPLOYER STRATEGY In 2014, Delhaize Serbia sponsored the Serbian Olympic Team for Sochi and will continue this support for athletes heading to Rio de Janeiro in 2016. We share our Values with athletes and their healthy lifestyles are part of what we aim to support as a Group. Because we put customers first, we tailor our stores to unique, local characteristics in their communities to make them attractive to local shoppers. How we staff our stores is crucial to this effort. Community outreach is key to lead ing locally. Some of our associates volunteer in their local communities and we partner with organizations whose values mirror ours. Over the past four years Alfa Beta has organized an Alfa Beta Volunteer Day where employees come together on a common project to create a positive impact on Greek society and the environment. Each year, the Volunteer Day has brought together employ ees with members of the local community on an activity agreed among each store's employ ees. Activities have included: collecting food and clothing to benefit a local school and an orphanage; a football match to benefit a nurs ing home; and removing trash from a local for est. Participation has nearly doubled over the four years the Volunteer Day has taken place. Nearly 2 700 employees participated in 2011; in 2014, more than 5 000 Alfa Beta employee participated. In order to drive profitable growth today and beyond, feedback from our associates, who are on the "front-lines" in our stores is crucial to our continuing success. The Associate Engagement Survey (AES) lets associates provide confidential feedback via a third party about key aspects of their work, such as daily responsibilities, company leadership, feedback on performance, and recognition of achievements. While associates were not surveyed in all locations in 2014, a plan is in place to survey associates in all locations in 2015. The AES findings help us identify gaps and opportunities for associate growth and devel opment, allowing the company to better focus resources to achieve our goals and build on our success. The survey is another step on the path to fostering a highly engaged workforce - associates working together to support our Purpose of operating our customers' pre ferred local supermarkets and delivering our Promise to our four key groups of stakehold ers: customers, associates, communities and shareholders. Being Supergood means that our stores welcome associates from a variety of backgrounds, ethnicities, those with disabilities and across generations. We focus on activating diversity and inclusion programs in all companies and provide all associates with performance dialogues. Healthy lifestyles are a key part of our Supergood ambition; our goal by 2020 is for 100% of our companies to promote good nutrition, physical and mental health, and safety at work through health- related programs for our associates. One example of our healthy associates' program in action is in Serbia where Delhaize Serbia has negotiated with private medical clinics and health centers to provide associates with discounts for medical services, educational workshops, and other offerings.

Jaarverslagen | 2014 | | pagina 22