In this year's report. 01 Contents governance rinanciais investors Anoia ar a giance business review Ahold Annual Report 2014 Ahold at a glance Business review Governance Executive Committee and Management Board 39 Supervisory Board 41 Corporate governance 43 Supervisory Board report 47 How we manage risk 51 Remuneration 57 Declarations 62 Financial statements 64 Consolidated income statement 65 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 66 Consolidated balance sheet 67 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 68 Consolidated statement of cash flows 69 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 70 Parent company financial statements 142 Notes to the parent company financial statements 144 Other information 152 Share performance 161 Shareholder structure 162 Shareholder returns 164 Key dates 165 Five-year overview 166 Contact information 168 Cautionary notice 170 Company profile Group financial highlights Highlights by segment Our brands and how we operate 03 Message from Dick Boer, Ahold CEO Reshaping Retail framework CRT Our vision and values 06 Our business model Our promises Our strategic pillars Our formats Market overview Our stakeholders Group key financial indicators Group financial review Non-GAAP measures

Jaarverslagen | 2014 | | pagina 94