BsimEiHHta 59 Remuneration (continued) Ahold at a glance I Business review I Governance I Financials I Investors Conditional share grant The target value to be granted under the conditional share grant component for the Management Board is 50% of base salary. The actual value of the conditional share grant is subject to a performance condition at grant. The performance condition is the EIP multiplier of the preceding year (with a range between 0% and a maximum of 150%). The maximum conditional share grant value is 75% of base salary. Timeline for 2014 conditional GRO grant Performance period for EIP April grant April vesting 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Ahold Annual Report 2014 Performance share grant The target value to be granted under the performance share grant is different for each Management Board position to align this component with market practice. For the CEO and the U.S.-based COO, the target grant value is 135% of base salary and for the CFO and the CCGC the grant value is 100% of base salary. The vesting of the performance shares is subject to a performance hurdle at vesting after a performance period of three years. Half of the performance share grant is linked to a three-year return on capital target. The number of shares that eventually vest depends on RoC performance and can range between 0% and a maximum of 150% of the number of shares granted. For the other half of the performance grant, the performance at vesting is measured using relative total shareholders return (TSR). Relative TSR measures share price growth plus dividends paid over the performance period benchmarked against the TSR performance of Ahold's peer group (see table under Benchmarking). The number of shares that will vest depends on Ahold's relative ranking in the peer group. An independent external advisor determines the ranking. The table below indicates the percentage of performance shares that will vest based on Ahold's ranking. No shares will vest to Management Board members if Ahold ranks below the sixth position. 2013-2014 GRO program rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Percentage of performance shares vesting 175% 150% 125% 100% 75% 50% 0% 0% 0% oA O oA O oA O

Jaarverslagen | 2014 | | pagina 128