H 161 Notes to the parsnt company 4 Financial assets (continued) (875) - 2,753 - 5 Receivables Ahold ata glanceOur strategy Our performance j Governance financial statements Investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures million 2013 2012 (restated)1 Beginning of year (restated)1 8,068 7,936 Share in income 2,524 801 Dividends (2,085) (463) Intercompany transfers 2,074 700 Share of other comprehensive income (loss) and other changes in equity 163 Transfers to loans receivable (10) (8) Transfers (to) from provisions 29 (38) Other comprehensive income (loss) transferred to net income (73) Exchange rate differences (99) 15 End of year 10,591 8,068 1 See Note 1 for an explanation of the restatements. Intercompany transfers include capital contributions and capital repayments. For a list of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, see Note 36 to the consolidated financial statements. Loans receivable million 2013 2012 Beginning of year 2,797 Issued - net 145 76 Intercompany transfers (1,936) Transfers from investments 10 8 Exchange rate differences (22) (40) End of year 994 2,797 Current portion Non-current portion of loans 994 2,797 The loans receivable are related to loans with subsidiaries. On June 1 7, 201 3, the parent company assigned the subordinated loan facility to Ahold Finance U.S.A., LLC. million December 29, 2013 December 30, 2012 Receivables from subsidiaries 15 6 Receivables from joint ventures 2 2 Prepaid expenses 1 1 Income tax receivable - 1 Other receivables 1 3 Finandals Investors Ahold Annual Report 2013 Total receivables 19 13

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