H KÜ1I3E3 122 23 Pensions and other post-employment benefits (continued) - Ahold at a glance Our strategy Our performance Governan Financials Investors Notes to the consolidated financial statements Ahold Annual Report 2013 Net defined benefit cost is comprised of the following components. The net interest (income) expense is presented as net financial expenses in the income statement and plan remeasurements are presented as other comprehensive income. All other components of net defined benefit cost are presented in the income statement as cost of sales, selling expenses, and general and administrative expenses, depending on functional areas of the employees earning the benefits. 2012 million 2013 (restated)1 Service cost Current service cost 119 75 Past service cost (39) Gain on settlement (9) (6) Net interest (income) expense 24 (17) Administrative cost 8 11 Components of defined benefit cost recorded in the income statement 142 24 Remeasurements recognized: Return on plan assets, excluding amounts included in net interest (income) cost 102 (289) Loss from changes in demographic assumptions 13 154 (Gain) loss from changes in financial assumptions (298) 1,358 Experience gains (47) (19) Components of defined benefit cost recognized in other comprehensive income (230) 1,204 Total net defined benefit cost (88) 1,228 1 See Note 3 for an explanation of the restatements.

Jaarverslagen | 2013 | | pagina 26