H KÜ1I3E3 75 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income - - - - Ahold at a glance Our strategy Our performance Governan Financials Investors Ahold Annual Report 2013 million Note 2013 2012 (restated)1 Net income 2,537 915 Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans before taxes 23 230 (1,204) Income taxes 10 (83) 331 Other comprehensive income (loss) that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 147 (873) Currency translation differences in foreign interests: Currency translation differences in foreign interests before income taxes from: Continuing operations (149) (56) Discontinued operations 30 29 Cumulative translation differences from divestments transferred to net income 5 (82) Income taxes 10 1 Cash flow hedges: Fair value losses in the year (10) (89) Transfers to net income 70 45 Income taxes 10 (15) 11 Other comprehensive income (loss) of joint ventures - net of income taxes Share of other comprehensive income (loss) from: Continuing operations - 1 Discontinued operations (8) Cumulative other comprehensive income transferred to net income 5 9 Other comprehensive loss reclassifiable to profit or loss (146) (67) Total other comprehensive income (loss) 1 (940) Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to common shareholders 2,538 (25) Attributable to: Continuing operations 849 (92) Discontinued operations 1,689 67 Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to common shareholders 2,538 (25) 1 See Note 3 for an explanation of the restatements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Jaarverslagen | 2013 | | pagina 157