o nsol id ated Statement of Cash Flows i millic n s of Note 2012 2011 2010 perai ties N et profit att ribut able to eqi Jity holders of the Group (Group share in net profit) 105 475 574 N et profit att ribut able to nor l-controlling interests (2) 1 A djustme nts for! Impairment 28 Allowance for losses on accounts receivable Share-based compensation 21.3 Income taxes 22 Changes in operating assets and liabilities Inventories 291 (147) (108) Receivables 74 (10) (39) P repaid expenses and other assets (31) (15) (10) Acco u nts payable 54 (24) 98 Accrued expenses and other liabilities 2 (4) 16 Provisions 38 4 (24) Interest paid (229) (196) (202) Interest received 10 11 11 Income taxes paid (106) (77) (58) et cash provided by operating activities 1 408 1 106 1 317 ïvesting activities Business acquisitions, net of cash and cash equivalents acquired 4.1 (12) (591) (19) Business disposals, net of cash and cash equivalents disposed 5.1 3 P urchase of tangible assets (capital expenditures) 8, 9 (596) (675) (568) P urchase of intangible assets (capital expenditures) 7 (92) (87) (92) Sale of tangible and intangible assets 39 11 14 Sale and maturity of (investment in) debt securities, net (1) 72 (13) P urchase of other financial assets (21) (2) Sale and maturity of other financial assets 22 28 15 Settlem ent of derivatives instrum ents (2) et cash used in investing activities (637) (1 265) (665) ash flow before financing activities 771 (159) 652 inancing activities P roceeds from the exercise of share warrants and stock options 16 (1) 13 32 P urchase of call option on own equity instruments 16 (6) Treasury shares purchased 16 (20) (26) P urchase of non-controlling interests 4.2 (23) (10) (47) Dividends paid 17 (180) (173) (161) Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests (1) Escrow maturities 2 2 Borrowing under long-term loans, net of financing costs 621 408 (1) Repaym ent of long-term loans (564) (224) (42) Repayment of lease obligations (54) (53) (49) Borrowings (repayments) of short-term loans, net (60) (85) (49) Settlem ent of derivative instrum ents (1) 2 (1) let cash used in financing activities (262) (146) (343) Effect of foreign currency translation (8) (21) 10 let (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents 501 (326) 319 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 15 432 758 439 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 15 933(1) 432 758 (1) Includes €1 million in assets classified as held for sale 650 586 575 288 135 14 3 11 6 13 13 16 22 156 245 259 204 216 (17) (23) (12) (16) 7 (2) 74 DELHAIZE GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS'12

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 76