68 Consolidated Balance Sheet 70 Consolidated Income Statement 71 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 72 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 74 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 75 Notes to the Financial Statements 75 1. General Information 75 2. Significant Accounting Policies 89 3. Segment Information 91 4. Business Combinations and Acquisition of Non-controlling Interests 94 5. Divestitures, Disposal Group Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations 96 6. Goodwill 99 7. Intangible Assets 101 8. Property, Plant and Equipment 104 9. Investment Property 105 10. Financial Instruments by Category 109 11. Investments in Securities 110 12. Other Financial Assets 110 13. Inventories 111 14. Receivables 112 15. Cash and Cash Equivalents 112 16. Equity 116 17. Dividends 117 18. Financial Liabilities 124 19. Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedging 127 20. Provisions 129 21. Employee Benefits 142 22. Income Taxes 145 23. Accrued Expenses 145 24. Expenses from Continuing Operations by Nature 145 25. Cost of Sales 146 26. Employee Benefit Expenses 146 27. Other Operating Income 146 28. Other Operating Expenses 147 29. Financial Result 148 30. Net Foreign Exchange Losses (Gains) 148 31. Earnings Per Share ("EPS") 149 32. Related Party Transactions 150 33. Commitments 151 34. Contingencies 151 35. Subsequent Events 152 36. List of Consolidated and Associated Companies and Joint Ventures 155 Supplementary Information 159 Historical Financial Overview 160 Certification of Responsible Persons 160 Report of the Statutory Auditor 162 Summary Statutory Accounts of Delhaize Group SA/NV DELHAIZE GROUP ANNUAL REPORT '12 67

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 69