Insurance Risk Compliance and Regulatory Risks Litigation Risk and approximately 30% of Delhaize Group's associates were covered by defined benefit plans at the end of 2012. If, at balance sheet date, the fair value of the plan assets of a defined benefit plan, is lower than the defined benefit obligations (deter mined based on actuarial assump tions), the Group would bear a theoretical "underfunding risk" at that moment in time. At the end of 2012, Delhaize Group recognized a net liability of €129 million (2011: €90 million; 2010: €79 million). Details on pension plans at Delhaize Group and its subsidiaries can be found in Note 21.1 "Employee Benefit Plans" to the Financial Statements. The Group manages its insur- able risk through a combination of external insurance coverage and self-insured retention programs. In deciding whether to purchase exter nal insurance or use self-insured retention programs, the Group con siders the frequency and severity of losses, its experience in managing risk through safety and other inter nal programs, the cost and terms of external insurance, and whether external insurance coverage is man datory. External insurance is used when available at reasonable cost and terms. The amount and terms of insurance purchased are deter mined by an assessment of the Group's risk exposure, by compari son to industry standards and by assessment of financial capacity in the insurance markets. The main risks covered by Delhaize Group's insurance programs are property, liability and health-care. The U.S. operations of Delhaize Group use self-insured retention programs for workers' compensa tion, general liability, automotive accident, pharmacy claims, and healthcare (including medical, pharmacy, dental and short-term disability). Delhaize Group also uses captive insurance programs to pro vide flexibility and optimize costs. In the event of a substantial loss there is a risk that external insurance cov erage may not be sufficient to cover the loss. It is possible that the finan cial condition of an external insurer may deteriorate over time in which case the insurer may be unable to meet the obligation to pay a loss. It is possible that due to changes in financial or insurance markets that Delhaize Group will be unable to continue to purchase certain insur ance coverage on commercially reasonable terms. Reserves for self-insured reten tions are based upon actuarial estimates of claims reported and claims incurred but not reported. Delhaize Group believes these estimates are reasonable, how ever these estimates are subject to a high degree of variability and uncertainty caused by such factors as future interest and inflation rates, future economic conditions, litiga tion and claims settlement trends, legislative and regulatory changes, changes in benefit levels and the frequency and severity of incurred but not reported claims. It is possi ble that the final resolution of some claims may require Delhaize Group to make significant expenditures in excess of existing reserves. Self-insurance provisions of €142 mil lion are included as liability on the balance sheet as of December 31, 2012. More information on self-insur ance can be found in Note 20.2 "Self Insurance Provisions" and related investments held to cover the self- insurance exposure are included in Note 11 "Investments in Securities" to the Financial Statements. If external insurance is not sufficient to cover losses or is not collect able, or if self-insurance expen ditures exceed existing reserves, the Group's financial condition and results of operation may be adversely affected. From time to time, Delhaize Group is involved in legal actions, includ ing matters involving personnel and employment issues, personal injury, antitrust claims and other proceed ings arising in the ordinary course of business. The Group regularly reviews its exposure to the claims and litigation arising in the normal course of operations. It recognizes a provision when it has a present obli gation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of eco nomic resources will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of obligation can be reli ably estimated. As of December 31, 2012 the Group believes that it has made adequate provisions for such exposures. Any litigation, however, involves risk and unexpected out comes could result in an adverse effect on the Group's financial state ments. More information on pend ing litigation can be found in Note 34 to the Financial Statements, "Contingencies." Regulatory Risk Delhaize Group is subject to fed eral, regional, state and local laws and regulations in each country in which it operates relating to, among others, zoning, land use, antitrust restrictions, work place safety, pub lic health, environmental protection, community right-to-know, infor mation security and data protec tion, alcoholic beverage sales and pharmaceutical sales. A number of jurisdictions regulate the licensing of supermarkets, including retail alcoholic beverage license grants. Under certain regulations, Delhaize Group is prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages in some of its DELHAIZE GROUP ANNUAL REPORT '12 63

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