RISK FACTORS Foreign currency risk on finan cial instruments is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctu ate because of future changes in foreign currency exchange rates. From an accounting perspective, the Group is exposed to foreign cur rency risks only on monetary items not denominated in the functional currency of the respective reporting entities, such as trade receivables and payables denominated in a for eign currency, financial assets clas sified as available for sale, deriva tives, financial instruments not designated as for hedge relation ships and borrowings denominated in a foreign currency. If at Decem ber 31, 2012, the U.S. Dollar had weakened/strengthened by 17% (estimate based on the standard deviation of daily volatilities of the rate during 2011 using a 95% confidence interval), the Group's net profit (all other variables held constant) would have been €3.7 million lower/higher (2011: €3.8 mil lion higher/lower with a rate shift of 22%, 2010: €1.4 million higher/lower with a rate shift of 20%). Due to the financing structure of the Group, such a change in exchange rate would have no impact on the equity of Delhaize Group. Transaction exposure The Group's exposure to fluctua tions in foreign currency move ments in its business operations is limited as Operating Companies' purchases and sales are primarily denominated in local currency. Credit Risk/Counterparty Risk Credit risk is the risk that one party to an agreement will cause a finan cial loss to another party by failing to discharge its obligation. Credit risk covers trade receivables, cash and cash equivalents, short term depos its and derivative instruments. The credit risk on trade receivables relates mainly to the wholesale activ ity in Belgium. The Group covers this risk by entering into credit insurance policies with external insurers. The contracts contain stop-loss clauses and maximum liability amounts that provide sufficient cover against possi ble annual credit losses. In connection with the cash and cash equivalents, short term deposits and derivative instruments Delhaize Group requires a minimum credit quality for its finan cial investments (see Notes 11 "Invest ments in Securities" and 14 "Receiva bles" in the Financial Statements for further details). The Group's policy is to require short-term investments to have a short-term credit rating of at least A1 (Standard Poor's) P1 (Moody's). Delhaize Group's long-term invest ment policy requires a minimum long-term credit rating of A-/A3 for its financial investments. See Note 11 "Investments in Securities" in con nection with the credit quality of the Group's investments. Deposits should be maintained with banks having a minimum long-term credit rating of A-/A3, although the Group might deviate from this policy from time to time for operational reasons. The Group's exposure to changes in credit ratings of its counterpar ties is continuously monitored and the aggregate value of transac tions concluded is spread amongst approved counterparties. Counter party risk is always assessed with reference to the aggregate expo sure to a single counterparty or group of related parties to avoid or minimize concentration risk. Share-Based Incentive Plans Risk The Group offers various equity-set tled incentive plans (Stock Options, U.S. warrants, and Restricted Stock Units). Delhaize Group hedges the risk arising from those plans by occasionally buying treasury shares and/or derivatives. The Group's exposure to share- based incentive plans is reviewed at least on a quarterly basis and at inception of any new plan. For fur ther information about share-based incentive plans, refer to Note 21.3 Share-Based Compensation in the Financial Statements. Pension Plan Risk Most operating companies of Delhaize Group have pension plans, the structures and benefits of which vary with conditions and practices in the countries concerned. Pension benefits may be provided through defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans. A defined contribution plan is a post-employment benefit plan under which Delhaize Group and/ or the associate pays fixed contri butions usually to a separate entity. Under such a plan, there are no legal or constructive obligations to pay further contributions, regardless of the performance of the funds held to satisfy future benefit payments. The actual retirement benefits are determined by the value of the con tributions paid and the subsequent performance of investments made with these funds. A defined benefit plan is a post- employment benefit plan which nor mally defines an amount of benefit that an employee will receive upon retirement, usually dependent on one or more factors such as age, years of service, compensation and/ or guaranteed returns on contribu tions made. Delhaize Group operates defined benefit plans at several of its entities 62

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 64