GOVERNANCE Remuneration report Delhaize Group wants to provide its shareholders and all other stake holders with consistent and trans parent information on executive compensation. In this remuneration report we include information on the following topics: The remuneration policy applied during 2012; The role and involvement of vari ous parties in executive compen sation analysis and the related decision-making processes; Director remuneration; Executive Management compen sation; and Share ownership guidelines. Remuneration Policy applied during 2012 During the reported year, the Com pany applied the remuneration pol icy for directors and Executive Man agement as it is displayed in Exhibit E of the Corporate Governance Charter posted on the Company's website at Delhaize Group strongly believes in rewarding talent, experience and performance. Accordingly, Delhaize Group's remuneration policy is designed to provide incentives so that the Company can attract and retain talented directors and execu tives in order to deliver strong growth and high returns for shareholders. The policy's goal is to reward indi vidual and Company performance in a manner that aligns the interests of the Company's executives, direc tors and shareholders while also taking into account market prac tices and the differences between the Group's operating companies. Delhaize Group has consistently applied this policy in the past years. As of March 6, 2013 Delhaize Group does not intend to substantially alter the Remuneration Policy in the com ing two years with the exception of what is mentioned hereunder under the Short and Long Term Incentive chapter. Delhaize Group also plans a thorough analysis of its senior execu tive compensation plan in 2013 to ensure that the design of the differ ent programs and components of the Remuneration Policy are supporting the Company strategy and remain aligned with market practices. Role and Involvement of Various Parties in Executive Compensation Analysis and Decisions Role of the Remuneration Nomination Committee (RNC) The composition and activities of the RNC are discussed on page 41. Role of Executive Officers in Executive Compensation Decisions The Company's Chief Executive Officer makes recommendations concerning compensation for all senior executives, and presents those recommendations to the RNC. These compensation recommenda tions take the results of the annual performance review for each execu tive into account. The Company's Executive Vice President for Human Resources assists the Chief Execu tive Officer in this process. Role of Outside Compensation Consultant During 2012, and as in previous years, the Company hired an inde pendent compensation consultant to assist the RNC in its understanding and review of market practices. This consultant worked with Company management to obtain background information and related support in formulating recommendations. Director Remuneration The Company's directors are remu nerated for their services with a fixed annual amount, decided by the Board of Directors, which is not to exceed the maximum amounts set by the Company's shareholders. The maximum amount approved by the shareholders at the Ordinary General Meeting of May 26 2011 is (i) to the directors as compensation for their positions as directors, an amount of up to €80 000 per year per director, and (ii) to the Chairman of the Board, an amount up to €160 000 per year. The above-mentioned amounts are increased by an amount of up to €10 000 per year for each member of any standing committee of the Board (other than the chair of the commit tee), and increased by an amount of up to €15 000 per year for the Chair man of any standing committee of the Board. Non-Executive Directors do not receive any remuneration, benefits, equity-linked consideration or other incentives from the Company other than their remuneration for their service as Director of the Company. For some non-Belgian Board mem bers, the Company pays a portion of the cost of preparing the Belgian and U.S. tax returns for such directors. Delhaize Group has not extended credit, arranged for the extension of credit or renewed an extension of credit in the form of a personal loan to or for any member of the Board. Individual director remuneration for the fiscal years 2012, 2011 and 2010 is presented in the table on page 49 All amounts presented are gross amounts before deduction of with holding tax. Executive Management Compensation The term "Executive Management" refers to the individuals who are members of the Delhaize Group Executive Committee. Delhaize Group's Remuneration Pol icy is tailored to emphasize the deliv ery of strong annual earnings growth as well as sustained increases in shareholder value over the long term. Short-term performance is rewarded in cash while long-term performance is rewarded through a combination of cash and equity-based instruments. In the following paragraphs, we out line in detail the different components of Executive Management compen sation and illustrate its evolution over time. The executive compensation pack age includes the following compo nents: Base salary; Annual bonus; Long-term incentives ("LTI"); and Other benefits, retirement and post-employment benefits. 50

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