GOVERNANCE agement committee ("comité de direction" "directiecomité"). How ever, the Board of Directors of Del- haize Group has not done so. The Executive Committee, chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, prepares the strategy proposals for the Board of Directors, oversees the operational activities and analyzes the busi ness performance of the Company. The Terms of Reference of Execu tive Management are attached as Exhibit D to the Company's Corpo rate Governance Charter. The composition of the Executive Committee can be found on page 37 of this report. The members of the Executive Com mittee are appointed by the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer is the sole member of the Executive Committee who is also a member of the Board of Directors of Delhaize Group. Shareholders Each holder of Delhaize Group ordinary shares is entitled to attend any general meeting of sharehold ers and to vote on all matters on the agenda, provided that such holder complies with the formali ties specified in the notice for the meeting. The rights of a shareholder to attend the general meeting of sharehold ers and to vote are subject to the registration of these shares in the name of this shareholder at 11:59 pm (European Central Time) on the record date, which is the fourteenth day before the meeting, either by registration of registered shares in the register of registered shares of the Company, or by registration of dematerialized shares in the accounts of an authorized securities account keeper or clearing institu tion, or by delivery of bearer shares to a financial intermediary. Share holders must notify the Company (or the person designated by the Company for this purpose) of their intent to participate in the general meeting of shareholders, no later than six days before the date of the meeting. Similarly, a holder of Delhaize Group American Depositary Shares ("ADSs") who gives voting instructions to the depositary must arrange for having those ADSs registered on the record date set by the Company, which is the fourteenth day before the meeting. Each share or ADS is entitled to one vote. The Company's Articles of Association do not contain any restriction on the exercise of voting rights by the shareholders, provided that the shareholders concerned are admitted to the General Meeting of shareholders and their rights are not suspended. The relevant provisions governing the admission of share holders to the General Meeting of shareholders are set out in Article 545 of the Belgian Companies Code and Article 31 of the Articles of Asso ciation. According to Article 6 of the Articles of Association, the Company is entitled to suspend the exercise of the rights vested in a share in case there are joint owners of this share until one person has been appointed in writing by all the co-owners to exercise those rights. Article 10 of the Articles of Association provides that the voting rights pertaining to unpaid shares are automatically suspended as long as called payments, duly made and claimable, have not been made. Finally, voting rights attached to treasury shares held by the Com pany itself are suspended (please see page 83 of this Annual Report as to treasury shares). The Articles of Association of the Company do not contain any restric tion on the transfer of the shares or ADSs, other than the prohibition set out in Article 10 of the Articles of Association that provides that shares that have not been fully paid up may not be transferred unless the Board of Directors has previously approved the transferee. Belgian law does not require a quo rum for the ordinary general meet ings of shareholders. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes cast at the meeting, irrespective of the number of Delhaize Group ordi nary shares present or represented at the meeting. Resolutions to amend any provi sion of the Articles of Association, including any decision to increase the capital or an amendment which would create an additional class of shares, require a quorum of 50% of the issued capital at an extraordinary general meeting (provided that if this quorum is not reached, the Board may convene a second extraordinary general meeting for which no quorum is required), as well as the affirmative vote of at least 75% of the shares pre sent or represented and voting at the meeting, or 80% of such shares if the amendment would change Delhaize Group's corporate purpose or author ize the Board to repurchase Delhaize Group ordinary shares. The Board of Directors has been authorized to increase the share capital in one or several times up to the amount of €5.1 million on the dates and pursuant to the terms decided by the Board of Directors for a period of five years as from June 21, 2012. The Board of Directors has been authorized to acquire up to 10% of the outstanding shares of the Com pany at a minimum unit price of €1 and at a maximum unit price not higher than 20% above the high est closing stock market price of the Company's shares on Euronext Brussels during the twenty trad ing days preceding such acquisi tion. Such authorization has been granted for a period of five years as from the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of May 26, 2011 and extends to the acquisition of shares of the Company by its direct subsidiaries; as such subsidiaries are defined by legal provisions on the acquisition of shares of the par ent company by its subsidiaries. Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of May 24, 2012 The Ordinary General Meeting is held annually. The Ordinary General Meeting of 2012 was held on May 24, 2012, together with an Extraordi nary General Meeting. During the Ordinary General Meet ing, the Company's management 44

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