GOVERNANCE Corporate Governance Charter of Delhaize Group The Board of Directors Mission of the Board of Directors Composition of the Board of Directors Evaluation of the Board of Directors The Delhaize Group Board of Direc tors and its management ensure that the Company serves the inter ests of its shareholders and other key stakeholders with the highest standards of responsibility, integ rity and compliance with all appli cable laws and regulations. Del- haize Group strives to continually earn investor confidence by being a leader in good corporate gov ernance, complying with the law wherever it operates and providing clear, consistent and transparent communication about its strategy and performance. Upholding this commitment is in line with our high ethical standards and is important for our continued success. Delhaize Group follows the corporate governance principles described in the 2009 Belgian Code on Corporate Governance and adopted this 2009 Code as its reference Code. The Belgian Code on Corporate Govern ance is available at: www.corporate In accordance with the recommen dations and guidelines described in the Belgian Code on Corporate Governance, the corporate govern ance framework in which Delhaize Group operates is specified in Del haize Group's Corporate Govern ance Charter. The Corporate Governance Charter is reviewed and updated from time to time. The latest update of the Char ter is available on the Company's website ( The Corporate Governance Charter of Delhaize Group includes the rules and policies of the Company, which together with applicable law, the securities exchange rules and the Company's Articles of Association, govern the manner in which the Company operates. While the Company refers to its Cor porate Governance Charter for its corporate governance framework, this Corporate Governance State ment in the annual report focuses, as recommended by the Belgian Code on Corporate Governance, on factual information relating to the Company's corporate governance, including changes in the Company's corporate governance structure together with relevant events that took place during 2012. The Board of Directors of Delhaize Group is responsible for the strategy and the management of the Com pany in its best corporate interests. This responsibility includes the maxi mization of shareholder value, includ ing the optimization of long-term financial returns, while also taking into account the Company's associ ates, suppliers and the communities where it operates. To achieve this, the Board of Directors, as the Company's ultimate decision-making body, is entrusted with all powers that are not reserved by law to the General Meet ing of shareholders. The Terms of Reference of the Board are attached as Exhibit A to the Company's Corporate Governance Charter. On December 31, 2012, the Board of Directors of Delhaize Group con sisted of 11 members, including 10 non-executive directors and one executive director. As indicated in the Terms of Reference of the Board of Directors, the Board periodically reviews the Board membership cri teria in the context of the current make-up of the Board and its com mittees against current and future conditions and circumstances. This assessment is made on the basis of knowledge, experience, integ rity, diversity, complementary skills such as understanding of retail, finance and marketing, and willing ness to devote adequate time to Board duties. At all times, at least one member of the Board and the Audit Committee must be an "audit committee financial expert" as defined by U.S. federal securities laws. In addition, the Belgian Com panies Code requires that at least one member of the Audit Commit tee must be competent in account ing and audit and that a majority of the members of the Remuneration Nomination Committee must be independant pursuant to the Bel gian Companies Code. Gender Diversity within the Board of Directors A recent Belgian law requires that at least one third of the members of the Board of Directors has another gen der than the other members of the Board of Directors as of the finan cial year starting on 1 January 2017. The Board of Directors is focused on the recruitment of female directors because it is convinced that diversity strengthens the Board's decisions. In addition, it will support meeting the one-third requirement by 2017. Ms. Claire H. Babrowski has been a member of our Board of Directors since May 2006. Ms. Shari L. Ballard joined our Board of Directors in May 2012. We will propose the appoint ment of Ms. Elizabeth Doherty as director for a term of three years to the shareholders at the Ordinary General Meeting to be held on May 23, 2013. Ms. Doherty's biographical information is provided below. Periodically, and at least every two years, the Board evaluates its over all performance. In the Board's view, this is best accomplished by the entire Board under the leadership of the Chairman, with the assistance of the Remuneration and Nomina tion Committee and of an external specialist when deemed appropri ate. Generally, the assessments are done at the same time as the review of Board membership crite ria. The purpose of this assessment is to enhance the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and should specifically review areas in which the Board and/or the management believe the Board may be more effective. The review of the Board as a whole necessarily includes con sideration of each director's overall contribution to the work of the Board. The results of each Board evaluation 40

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