Leases - - he changes in the overall net deferred tax liabilities were as follows Ac celerated Tax (in millions of Depreciation Closed Provision Pension Other T Net defe rr e d tax liabilities at January 1, 2010 344 (15) (69) (25) (31) 204 Charge (cre dit) to equity for the year 1 4fi) 5 Charge (cre dit) to profit or loss for the year 201^ 3 (3) (2) 32 231 Effe ct of c h ange in tax rates 1 (2) (1) Ac q uisition (1) (1) Tran sfers to) from other accounts 14 (4) (6) (4) Currency tr anslation effect 20 (1) (5) (1) (3) 10 Net deferre 3d tax liabilities at December 31, 2010 580 (17) (77) (33) (5) 448 Charge (cre dit) to equity for the year (7) (2) (1) (9) Charge (cre dit) to profit or loss for the year (41) 1 2 1 85 48 Effe ct of c h ange in tax rates 1 1 Acquisition 36 (3) (9) 24 Tra nsfers to) from other accounts (1) 1 1 (1) Currency tr 1 0 anslation effect 'c (2) (1) 6 15 Net defe rr ed tax liabilities at December 31, 201 1 (3) 586 (18) (76) (40) 75 527 Charge (cre dit) to equity for the year - (4) (1)(1) (5) Charge (cre dit) to profit or loss for the year (45) (26) 1 (2) 28 (44) Effect of ch ange in tax rates 14 (1) 13 Divestiture (1) 1 Transfers to) from other accounts (1) 1 Currency tr anslation effect (11) 1 1 (1) (10) Net deferre 3d tax liabilities at December 31, 2012 542 (43) (74) (46) 102 481 (1) In 2012, 2011 and 2010, includes €2 million, €(2) million and €3 million, respectively, in re (2) Primarily due to a change in tax treatment of capital expenditures in the U.S., which are c onsidered deductib ow hedge res le for tax purp oses and therefor e increase the (3) 2011 wa is revised to reflect the effects of the completion in the second quarter of 2012 of 1 the purchase price allocation of t he Delta Maxi acq uisition. At Decem ber 31, 2012, Delhaize Group did not recognize deferred tax assets of €112 m lillion, of which. €42 n nillion related to U.S. tax loss carry-forwards of €901 million (ma a inly at a 4.0% U.S. State effective tax rate) and U.S. ta x credits, which if unused would expire at various dates be twe en 2013 and 2032; €8 mi 2013 llion related to tax loss carry-forwards of €84 million in Europe, and 201 7; which if unused would expire at various dates be tw een E 00 MP llion related to tax credits in Europe, which if unused would exp ire at various d ates between 2014 and 2022; and €54 m nillion related to tax loss carry-forwards of €170 million in Europe which can bt utilized without any time limitation. The unused tax losses and unused tax credits may not be used to offset 1 axable income or income taxes in other jurisdi cti ons. Delhaize Group recognized deferred tax assets only to the extent that it is probable 1 that future taxable profit will be avail. ble against which the unused tax losses, the unused tax credits and deductible temporary d iffe re nce! can be utilized. At Decem ber 31, 2012, the recognized deferred tax assets relating to unused tax losse s and unused tax credits was €2 9 milli o n. 144 DELHAIZE GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS'12

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 146