$5.0 million per occurrence for pharmacy claims. The "Other exit costs" primarily relate to termination benefits (€10 million) and were negligible in 2011 and 2010. During 2012, Delhaize Group paid €42 million of lease termination fees, primarily at Delhaize America (€20 million) and Bulgaria (€17 million). In 2011 and 2010, D elh aize G roup recorded additions to the closed store provision of €3 million and €1 million, respectively, primarily related to 18 and 7 store closings, respectively, made in the ordinary course of business. T he following table presents a reconciliation of the number of closed stores included in the closed store provision: r Closed St St. January 1, 2010 igs added Stores sold/lease terminated Balance at December 31, 2010 Store closings added Stores sold/lease terminated Balance at December 31, 2011 Store closings added Stores sold/lease terminated Balance at December 31, 2012 146 7 (49) 104 18 (20) 102 163 (86) 179 _xpenses relating to closed store provisions were recorded in the income statement as follows: f No 2012 Other operating expenses Interest expense included in "Finance costs" Results from discontinued operations Tota l 28 125 29.1 7 5.3 3 135 2011 12 2010 20.2 Self-i nsurance P rovision Delhaize Groups U.S. operations are self-insured for their workers compensation, general liability, vehicle accident and pharmacy claims up to certain retentions and holds excess-insurance contracts with external insurers for any costs in excess of these retentions. The self-insurance liability is determined actuarially, based on claims filed and an estimate of claims incurred but not reported. The assumptions used in the development of the actuarial estimates are based upon historical claims experience, including the average monthly claims and the average lag time b etwe en incurrence and payment. he maximum retentions, including defense costs per occurrence, are: $1.0 million per accident for workers compensation, $3.0 million per occurrence for general liability, $3.0 million per accident for vehicle accident, and Our prope rty insurance in the U.S. inc ludes self-insured retentions per occurrence of $15 $5 million for Zone A flood losses and $2.5 millio n for all other losses. illion for named windstor Delhaize Group is also self-insured in the U.S. for health care, which includes medical, pharmacy, dental and short-term disability. The self-insurance liability for claims incurred but not reported is based on available information and considers annual actuarial evaluations of historical claims experience, claims processing procedures and medical cost trends. 128 DELHAIZE GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS'12

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 130