A (€9 million) and $13 m 11). llion (€1 0 million), respectively, were recorded in investment in securities on the ba lance sheet (see Note Long-term Debt b y Curre ncy, C ontractually greed Payme nts and F air values The main currencies in which Delhaize Group's long-term (e xcluding finance leases, see Note 18.3) debt a 'e denom inated are as fo llows Decem aer 31, (in millions of 2012 2011 2010 U.S. dollar 1 362 1 391 1 381 Euro 1 107 1 022 625 Tota l 2 469 2 413 2 006 The following table su Delhaize Group's non- m marizes d erivative the contractually agreed financial liabilities, excludi (u ndiscou nted) ng any hedging nterest pay effects and ments and repay not taking premiu ■nents of principals of ms and discounts into accou nt: (in millions of 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Th ereafter Fair Value Fixed rates Notes due 2014, redeeme 2013 d in 99 105 Average interest rate 5.88% I ntere st due 2 Bonds due 201 7 450 513 Average interest rate 6.50% Interest due 29 29 29 29 15 Notes due 2019 300 310 Average interest rate 4.13% Interest due 12 12 12 12 12 19 N ote s due 2027 71 82 Average interest rate 8.05% Interest due 6 6 6 6 6 54 Debentures due 2031 270 323 Average interest rate 9.00% Interest due 24 24 24 24 24 330 Notes due 2040 827 806 Average interest rate 5.70% Interest due 47 47 47 47 47 1 084 Senior and other notes 9 10 Average interest rate 7.06% Interest due 1 1 1 Mortgage payable 2 2 Average interest rate 8.25% Interest due Oth er debt 1 12 7 20 Average interest rate 2.88% 5.36% 4.50% Interest due 1 1 4 Total cash flows 222 132 119 129 554 2 966 2 171 Total cash flows translated in millions of 168 100 90 98 420 2 248 1 645 DELHAIZE GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS '12 119

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 121