14. R eceivables (in millions of 2012 2011(1) 2010 Trade receivables 630 674 640 Trade receivables - bad debt allowance (31) (36) (29) Other receivables 35 59 26 Total current receivables 634 697 637 (1) 2011 was revised to reflect the effects of th ie completion in the second quar ter of 2012 of the purchase price allocation of t he Delta Maxi acq, isition. The aging of the current receivables is as fo llows Decepber31, 2012 Neither (in millions of Net Carrying Apount Past Due on the Reporting Past Due - Less Date than 30 Days Past Due - Between 30 and 180 Days Past Due - More than 1 80 Days Trade receivables 630 433 123 43 31 Trade receivables - bad debt allowance (31) (3) (7) (4) (17) Other receiva bles 35 25 7 2 1 634 455 123 41 15 i ber31, 2011 Neither Past Due on Past Due - Past Net Ca rryi ng the Reporting Past Due - Less Between 30 Due - More (in millio ns of Apount Date than 30 Days and 180 Days than 1 80 Days Trade r 'eceivables 674 504 100 49 21 Trade r 'eceivables - bad debt allowance (36) (6) (3) (11) (16) Oth er r SQ eceivables --1 45 5 5 4 Tota l 697 543 102 43 9 (1) 2011 was revised to reflect the effects of the com pletion in the second quar ter of 2012 of the p urchase price allocation of the Delta Maxi acqu isition. Decepber31, 2010 Neither Past Due on Past Due - Past Net Ca rryi ng the Reporting Past Due - Less Between 30 Due - More (in millio ns of Apount Date than 30 Days and 180 Days than 1 80 Days Trade r 'eceivables 640 521 71 29 19 Trade r 'eceivables - bad debt allowance (29) (2) (3) (9) (15) Oth er r eceivables <—^J 17 2 4 3 Tota l 637 536 70 24 7 Trade receivables are predominantly to be paid, in full, betwee n 30 days and 60 days. Trade receivables credit risk is managed by the individual operating entities and credit ratine 1 is continuously i monitored either based on internal rating criteria or with the support of third party service p roviders and the requirement for a n impairment is analyzed at each reporting date on an individual basis for major positions. Additionally, minor receivables are grouped into homogenous groups and assessed for impairment collectively based on past experience. The maximum exposure to risk for the receivables is the carrying value minus any insurance coverage. The Group is not exposed to any concentrated credit risk as there are no outstanding receivables that are individually material for the Group or the operating entity because of the Grou p's large and unrelated customer and vendor base. Management believes there is no further credit risk provision required in excess of the normal individual and collective impairment analysis performed at each reporting date. The fair values of the trade and other receivables approximate their (net) carrying values. DELHAIZE GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS '12 111

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 113