lia bilities December 31, 2011 Financial Financial liabilities measur 3d at fa ir value being part of a fair Financial Derivatives - Derivatives - value liabilities at through profit through hedge a mortized (in m l lion of Note or loss equity relationship cost Total Non -Cu rent Lon g-term debt 18.1 541 1 784 2 325 Obl gations under finance lease 18.3 689 689 Der vative instruments 19 9 11 20 Current Sho rt-term borrowings 18.2 60 60 Lon g-term debt - current portion 18.1 88 88 Obl gations under finance leases 18.3 61 61 Der vative instruments 19 Acc t bl (D ounts payable 1 845 1 845 T ota l fin ancial liabilities 9 11 541 4 527 5 088 (1) 2011 was revised to reflect the effects of the co m pletio n in the seco nd quarter of 2012 of t he purchase price allocation of the Delt a Maxi acquisitie n. December 31 2010 Financial liabilities measur 3d at fa ir value Financial being part of a fair Financial Derivatives - Derivatives - value liabilities at through profit through hedge a mortized (in m llions of Note or loss equity relationship cost Total Non -Cu rent Lon g-term debt 18.1 544 1 422 1 966 Obl gations under finance lease 18.3 684 684 Der ivative instruments 19 3 13 16 Current Sho rt-term borrowings 18.2 16 16 Lon g-term debt - current portion 18.1 40 40 Obl gations under finance leases 18.3 57 57 Der vative instruments 19 Acc ounts payable 1 574 1 574 T ota l fin ancial liabilities 3 13 544 3 793 4 353 108 DELHAIZE GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS'12

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 110