BBBBBQ 68 Supervisory Board report (continued) Ahold Annual Report 2012 Remuneration Committee In 2012, the Remuneration Committee held five meetings in person. The Chief Executive Officer was invited to most of these meetings. For a report on remuneration and the activities of the Remuneration Committee, see Remuneration. Conclusion The Supervisory Board is of the opinion that during the year 2012, its composition, mix and depth of available expertise; working processes; level and frequency of engagement in all critical Company activities; and access to all necessary and relevant information and the Company's management and staff were fully satisfactory and enabled it to adequately and completely carry out its duties towards all the Company's stakeholders. The Supervisory Board would like to thank Ahold's shareholders for the trust they have put in the Company and its management. The Supervisory Board also wishes to express its appreciation for the continued dedication and efforts of the Corporate Executive Board and all Ahold's employees. Supervisory Board Amsterdam, the Netherlands February 27, 2013 Our strategy Our performance Governance Financials Investors

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 70