Simplicity Simplicity 24 We want to operate in the simplest, most efficient and cost-competitive way, so that we can invest more in value for our customers. We are leveraging our capabilities and resources as an international company and working on better processes and systems across our businesses. We have increased the target of our €350 million cost-savings program underway for 2012-2014 to €600 million, to enable us to create more value for our customers. The savings we unlock with simplicity will be reinvested into our offering for customers to drive our successful business model. Improving transport to gain efficiencies at Ahold Europe Ahold Annual Report 2012 Ahold at a glance Our strategy Our performance Governan Investors Wtltplnn For more information on this topic, watch a video case study Our businesses in Ahold Europe are working to optimize the way they transport products from our distribution centers to our stores in order to save costs - to be reinvested back into our customer offering - and reduce our carbon footprint. They are doing this through better route planning and increasing the density of the truck load - in other words, finding ways of loading more products on every truck that leaves our distribution centers. All of these initiatives resulted in 10% savings on our total annual transportation costs in Europe. The load factor of Albert Heijn's trucks was 79% in 2012 - an increase of 3% compared to 2011The fuel usage per kilometer in 2012 was down 3% compared to 2011The load factor of Albert's trucks was over 85% in 2012. This contributed to an overall CO2 reduction of 5.6%.

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 26