and getting better every day. 15 Better every day Better place Our promises As retailers, our relationship with customers has always been at the center of everything we do. But in today's world, being a good retailer is also about creating a working environment where employees can be at their best and about ensuring we are always deeply connected with our communities. In 2012, we launched our promises to be a better place to shop, a better place to work and a better neighbor everywhere we operate. These promises define how we will get better every day for our customers, our employees and our communities. All three promises are interlinked - we need satisfied employees and a connection with the wider world our business impacts in order to build strong relationships with our customers. Our promises run across all our businesses, but are applied locally at each of our banners according to their needs and priorities. Delivering on our promises will help us drive success, perform better against the competition and create greater value for our company and for society. Ahold Annual Report 2012 Ahold at a glance Financials Our strategy Investors rmance y and freshne; products you and exciting helpful emp

Jaarverslagen | 2012 | | pagina 17