15 Fuel stations Ahold Annual Report 2011 Group at a glance Performance Governance Financials Investors Our portfolio continued Online Ahold is the largest online food retailer in both the United States and the Netherlands, through its businesses Peapod and albert.nl. Albert.nl serves a region in which over 60 percent of the population of the Netherlands lives, operating out of two fully dedicated distribution centers. Peapod in the United States serves markets in 12 states and the District of Columbia, operating out of 2 fulfillment centers and 21 warerooms in our stores. Convenience stores We operate highly successful convenience stores in the Netherlands called "Albert Heijn to go." These stores range from 40-200 square meters. They are located in busy areas, such as train stations and shopping streets, and cater to on-the-go customers with quick food solutions to eat now or to bring home and eat later. We are also currently piloting a convenience format in the United States. In the United States, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia we also operate gas stations to provide added convenience and attract more customers to our stores.

Jaarverslagen | 2011 | | pagina 56