Group at a glance Where we operate daw O Si' ICA Ahold is an international group of leading supermarket companies based in the United States and Europe. We offer customers great value, a convenient and appealing shopping experience, and healthy choices. We love being in the food business and are committed to being a leader in each of the markets we serve. The power of our local brands sets us apart from the competition. As a group, we leverage knowledge, consumer insight and scale across our businesses to operate in a simple, responsible and efficient way. Our people play an important role in our success by developing strong relationships with customers and others in our local communities. We continuously innovate products, services and store formats to build customer loyalty and achieve sustainable profitable growth for our Company. Ptrapjd 0>tos albert U.S. operations European operations E CZECH REPUBLIC StopsShop Giant AHOLD ANNUAL REPORT 2008 I 1 SWEDEN ESTONIA' LATVIA O LITHUANIA PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK 5 NEW HAMPSHIRE MASSACHUSETTS RHODE ISLAND CONNECTICUT WISCONSIN THE NETHERLANDS SLOVAKIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA NEW JERSEY DELAWARE WEST VIRGINIA Pf Albert H«ijn hypernova

Jaarverslagen | 2008 | | pagina 57