11 Financial targets Corporate responsibility Ahold Annual Report 2010 Group at a glance Performance Governance Fi nancials Our strategy continued Investors Our mid-term financial targets are to achieve a sustainable net sales growth of five percent (mainly from identical sales growth) and a sustainable underlying retail operating margin of five percent, while maintaining an investment grade credit rating. Acting responsibly is central to our business. We play a day-to-day role in the lives of millions of people. Our corporate responsibility strategy focuses on issues that are closely related to our business and where we can make a difference. This strategy, and our corporate responsibility goals and targets, are set globally by the Ahold Corporate Executive Board and implemented locally. In 2010, we set a series of clear, measurable targets for each of our priority areas between now and 2015: healthy living, sustainable trade, climate action, community engagement, and our people. We take our commitments seriously and are ambitious in our targets. We want to be the responsible retailer. To find out more about our corporate responsibility strategy, activities, and performance, see our 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report. Our reporting approach continues to be based on the standards developed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). To find out more about our CR Report: http://crreport2010.ahold.com

Jaarverslagen | 2007 | | pagina 33