Internal control and procedures under the Exchange Act and the related SEC rules referred to above. Based on our evaluation of the operation of our internal risk management and internal control systems, the Corporate Executive Board is of the opinion that the internal controls over financial reporting provide a reasonable level of assurance that the financial reporting does not contain any material inaccuracies. Also, the Corporate Executive Board is of the opinion that there are no indications that the internal risk management and internal control systems have not operated properly in the year under review or will not operate properly in the current year. This evaluation and the current status have been discussed with the external auditor, the Audit Committee and the full Supervisory Board. As regards risks other than financial reporting risks, including operational/strategic and legislative/regulatory risks, reference is made to the most important risk factors inherent in our businesses and our objectives as listed in the "Risk Factors" section and to the preceding paragraphs on "Ahold Business Control Framework" and "Monitoring" in this annual report. In view of the above the Corporate Executive Board is of the opinion that it is in compliance with the requirements of provision II.1.4 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, taking into account the recommendation of the Corporate Governance Code Monitoring Committee on the application thereof. Since the internal controls over financial reporting throughout the organization are under review in light of our future obligations pursuant to Section 404 of the Sarbanes- Oxley Act, the opinion stated above by the Corporate Executive Board does not imply an assessment on those internal controls over financial reporting as required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. 38

Jaarverslagen | 2005 | | pagina 179