- - 4 Receivables 5 Shareholders' equity 6 Provisions 00 Ahold ANNUAL REPORT 2002 197 BOARD GOVERNANCE HIGHLIGHTS OPERATING REVIEW FINANCIAL INVESTOR REL AT IONS Other December 29, December 30, Group subsidiaries 2002 2001 Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates companies and affiliates Total Total Beginning of year: 2,173 527 2,700 2,329 Investments Increase in shareholdings 6,277 117 6,394 1,865 Goodwill paid (94) (2) (96) (78) Sale and settlement of shareholdings (2) (3) (5) (7) Transfer from loans to associates (3,893) (395) (4,288) (561) Other movements (124) (5) (129) (267) Exchange rate differences (1,427) 10 (1,417) (397) Results (922) (50) (972) 145 Dividends (280) (61) (341) (329) Consolidated (539) 539 End of year: 1,169 677 1,846 2,700 Loans receivable 2002 2001 Beginning of year 60 58 Issued 6 18 Redemptions (25) (16) End of year 41 60 December 29, 2002 December 30, 2001 Receivables from subsidiaries and affiliates 170 345 Other receivables 34 46 204 391 For a specification of the shareholders' equity we refer to Note 21 to the consolidated financiai statements. December 29, 2002 December 30, 2001 Deferred income tax 20 33 Pensions and early retirement 5 5 Provision for other personnel costs 3 3 28 41

Jaarverslagen | 2002 | | pagina 109