ome 'The customer wonts Ian superstores as is clearly out by their success. higher than expected. 'We now have nine super stores of this kind in Cleve land, says Bill Holsworth, President Ohio Division, 'and we shall continue to build superstores of this format. We aim at having a network of superstores in Ohio. The customer wants large superstores, as is clearly borne out by their success. On Long Island (N.Y.), FNS for the first time in many years managed to open a new Finast super market. The Finast in Med- ford measures 53,000 square feet, has diagonal aisles and huge fresh food departments. 'Through these aisles we clearly dis tinguish ourselves from the competition,says Jack Moffatt, President Eastern Division 'They put a far greater focus on the perish ables departments on the sides of the store.1 The store is smaller than the Cleveland superstores. John Shields, President and COO: 'The real estate constraint on Long Island forces us to build much more compact stores, with less non-food than in Cleveland. Nevertheless, the Long Island customer has shown an enormous enthusiasm for our new prototype in Medford. We have one so far, but several more are planned. (I to r) Jack Moffatt, John Shields and store manager Bill Hartnagel in the new Finast store in Medford (I to r) Nick Riso, Joe Harber and Rob Zwartendijk (President and CEO of Ahold USA since September 1,1989) In January 1989 Ahold USA moved into a new head office in Parsippany NJ.From there the task of increasing coordination among BI-LO, Giant and FNS was firmly taken in hand. Executive Vice Pres ident Nick Riso: 'We have created the basis to become an effective cata lyst for the American initia tive. The synergetic efforts will be continued in 1990. Executive Vice President Joe Harber: 'I am confi dent that the economic benefits will increase. In the year under review, capital investments in FNS yielded tangible results. Ahold's infusion of capi tal led to the remodeling of existing stores and the opening of new ones, says Chairman and CEO Richard Bogomolny One of those new stores was the Finast 70,000 square feet superstore in the eastern part of Cleve land (Ohio). The perish ables departments are the most important. As Bogo molny puts it: 'With fresh products you can make a reputation for high quality, and that is what we have succeeded in doing. Sales in the new store are much

Jaarverslagen | 1989 | | pagina 12