BODEGA NORTON Norton MORE THAN A CENTURY CAPTURING THE TREASURES OF NATURE (Advertentie) DE TROTSE EIGENAAR VAN EEN UNIERE REPLICA VAN PAUL DE LUSSANET VOOR2 HALSLABELS EN 75,00? LEES DE ACTIEVOORWAARDEN AAN DE BINNENKANT VAN HET HALSLABEL OM DE FLES. At the foothills of the Andes I developed a deep love for this extraordinary country with all her instruments of nature, rich culture and Argentinean passion. The happy result is this painting in which I tried, with true passion, to capture all the treasures and beauty of Mendoza's nature and Bodega Norton. Salud!" CABERNET SAUVIGNON 2004 WE HAVE SET OUT WITH A TRUE PASSION TO PRODUCE WINES OF THE HIGHEST QJJALITY IN MENDOZA. AT THE FOOTHILLS OF THE ANDES BODEGA NORTON. WINES OF ARGENTINA

Allerhande | 2005 | | pagina 42